Source code for jflib.capturing

Capture the stdout or stderr output.

Capture stdout:

.. code:: python

    with Capturing() as output:
        print('line 1')

is equivalent to

.. code:: python

    with Capturing(stream='stdout') as output:
        print('line 1')

Capture stderr:

.. code:: python

    with Capturing(stream='stderr') as output:
        print('line 1', file=sys.stderr)


from io import StringIO
import sys
import re

[docs]class Capturing(list): """Capture the stdout or stderr output. This class is designed for unit tests. :param stream: `stdout` or `stderr`. :param clean_ansi: Clean out ANSI colors from the captured output. .. seealso:: `Answer on Stackoverflow <>`_ """ def __init__(self, stream: str = 'stdout', clean_ansi: bool = False): if stream not in ['stdout', 'stderr']: raise(ValueError('“stream” must be either “stdout” or “stderr”')) = stream self.clean_ansi = clean_ansi def __enter__(self): if == 'stdout': self._pipe = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self._stringio = StringIO() elif == 'stderr': self._pipe = sys.stderr sys.stderr = self._stringio = StringIO() return self def __exit__(self, *args): if self.clean_ansi: output = self._clean_ansi(self._stringio.getvalue()) else: output = self._stringio.getvalue() self.extend(output.splitlines()) del self._stringio if == 'stdout': sys.stdout = self._pipe elif == 'stderr': sys.stderr = self._pipe
[docs] def tostring(self): """Convert the output into an string. By default a list of output lines is returned.""" return '\n'.join(self)
@staticmethod def _clean_ansi(text): return re.sub(r'\x1b.*?m', '', text)