Source code for jflib.config_reader

A configuration reader which reads values stored in two levels of keys.
The first level is named `section` and the second level `key`.

argparse arguments (`argparse`): (You have to specify a mapping)

.. code::

    mapping = {
        'section.key': 'args_attribute'

A python dictionary (`dictonary`):

.. code:: python

        'section':  {
            'key': 'value'

Environment variables (`environ`):

.. code:: shell

    export prefix__section__key=value

INI file (`ini`):

.. code:: ini

    key = value

import ast
import os
import configparser
import re
import argparse
import abc
import typing

[docs]class ConfigValueError(Exception): """Configuration value can’t be found."""
[docs]class IniReaderError(Exception): """Ini file not valid."""
[docs]def validate_key(key: str) -> bool: """:param key: Validate the name of a section or a key.""" if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$', key): return True raise ValueError( 'The key “{}” contains invalid characters (allowed: a-zA-Z0-9_).' .format(key) )
# Reader classes ##############################################################
[docs]class ReaderBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for all readers""" def _exception(self, msg): """:raises: ConfigValueError""" raise ConfigValueError(msg)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get(self, section, key): raise NotImplementedError('A reader class must have a `get` method.')
[docs]class ArgparseReader(ReaderBase): """This class tries to read configuration values from a `argparse` namespace object. This works fine if your section is one word long (`--section-key` = `args.section_key` = `section` + `key`) and not more than one word long (`--my-section-key` = `args.my_section_key` = `my` + `section_key`). By multi word section you have to specify a mapping (`{'my_section.key': 'my_section_key'}`). Without a mapping all sections and keys are convert into lowercase (`Section` = `section`). :param args: The parsed `argparse` object. :param mapping: A dictionary like this one: `{'section.key': 'dest'}`. `dest` is the property name of the `args` object. """ def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace, mapping: dict = {}): self._args = args self._mapping = mapping
[docs] def get(self, section: str, key: str) -> typing.Any: """ Get a configuration value stored under a section and a key. :param section: Name of the section. :param key: Name of the key. :raises ConfigValueError: Configuration value couldn’t be found. :return: The configuration value stored under a section and a key. """ mapping_key = '{}.{}'.format(section, key) if mapping_key in self._mapping: argparse_dest = self._mapping[mapping_key] else: argparse_dest = '{}_{}'.format(section, key).lower() if hasattr(self._args, argparse_dest): value = getattr(self._args, argparse_dest) if value is not None: return value self._exception('Configuration value could not be found by ' 'Argparse (section “{}” key “{}”).' .format(section, key))
[docs]class DictionaryReader(ReaderBase): """Useful for default values. :param dictionary: A nested dictionary. """ def __init__(self, dictionary: dict): self._dictionary = dictionary
[docs] def get(self, section: str, key: str) -> typing.Any: """ Get a configuration value stored under a section and a key. :param section: Name of the section. :param key: Name of the key. :raises ConfigValueError: Configuration value couldn’t be found. :return: The configuration value stored under a section and a key. """ try: return self._dictionary[section][key] except KeyError: self._exception( 'In the dictionary is no value at dict[{}][{}]' .format(section, key) )
[docs]class EnvironReader(ReaderBase): """Read configuration values from environment variables. The name of the environment variables have to be in the form `prefix__section__key`. Note the two following underscores. :param prefix: A enviroment prefix""" def __init__(self, prefix: str = None): self._prefix = prefix
[docs] def get(self, section: str, key: str) -> typing.Any: """ Get a configuration value stored under a section and a key. :param section: Name of the section. :param key: Name of the key. :raises ConfigValueError: Configuration value couldn’t be found. :return: The configuration value stored under a section and a key. """ if self._prefix: key = '{}__{}__{}'.format(self._prefix, section, key) else: key = '{}__{}'.format(section, key) if key in os.environ: return os.environ[key] self._exception('Environment variable not found: {}'.format(key))
[docs]class IniReader(ReaderBase): """Read configuration files from text files in the INI format. :param path: The path of the INI file. """ def __init__(self, path: str): self._config = configparser.ConfigParser() if not path or not os.path.exists(path): raise IniReaderError( 'Ini configuration path “{}” couldn’t be opened.' .format(path) ) self._config.read_file(open(path))
[docs] def get(self, section: str, key: str) -> typing.Any: """ Get a configuration value stored under a section and a key. :param section: Name of the section. :param key: Name of the key. :raises ConfigValueError: Configuration value couldn’t be found. :return: The configuration value stored under a section and a key. """ try: return self._config[section][key] except KeyError: self._exception('Configuration value could not be found ' '(section “{}” key “{}”).'.format(section, key))
[docs]class SpecReader(ReaderBase): """Read the default values from the `spec` (specification) dictionary. :param spec: The `spec` (specification) dictionary. """ def __init__(self, spec: dict): self._spec = spec
[docs] def get(self, section: str, key: str) -> typing.Any: """ Get a configuration value stored under a section and a key. :param section: Name of the section. :param key: Name of the key. :raises ConfigValueError: Configuration value couldn’t be found. :return: The configuration value stored under a section and a key. """ try: return self._spec[section][key]['default'] except KeyError: self._exception('Configuration value could not be found ' '(section “{}” key “{}”).'.format(section, key))
# Common code #################################################################
[docs]class ReaderSelector: """Select for each get request which reader to use.""" def __init__(self, *readers): self.readers = readers """A list of readers.""" @staticmethod def _validate_key(key): return validate_key(key)
[docs] def get(self, section: str, key: str): """ Get a configuration value stored under a section and a key. :param section: Name of the section. :param key: Name of the key. """ self._validate_key(section) self._validate_key(key) for reader in self.readers: try: return reader.get(section, key) except ConfigValueError: pass raise ValueError('Configuration value could not be found ' '(section “{}” key “{}”).'.format(section, key))
[docs]def auto_type(value): """""" try: return ast.literal_eval(value) except ValueError: return value # ERROR: test_method_send_email_with_config_reader # (test_command_watcher.TestClassWatch) # AttributeError: 'SyntaxError' object has no attribute 'filename' except SyntaxError: return value
[docs]class DictionaryInterfaceKey: def __init__(self, reader, section): self._reader = reader self._section = section def __getitem__(self, name): return auto_type(self._reader.get(self._section, name))
[docs]class DictionaryInterface: def __init__(self, reader): self._reader = reader def __getitem__(self, name): return DictionaryInterfaceKey(self._reader, section=name)
[docs]class ClassInterfaceKey: def __init__(self, reader, section): self._reader = reader self._section = section def __getattr__(self, name): return auto_type(self._reader.get(self._section, name))
[docs]class ClassInterface: def __init__(self, reader): self._reader = reader def __getattr__(self, name): return ClassInterfaceKey(self._reader, section=name)
[docs]def load_readers_by_keyword(**kwargs) -> list: """Available readers: `argparse`, `dictionary`, `environ`, `ini`. The arguments of this class have to be specified as keyword arguments. Each keyword stands for a configuration reader class. The order of the keywords is important. The first keyword, more specifically the first reader class, overwrites the next ones. :param tuple argparse: A tuple `(args, mapping)`. `args`: The parsed `argparse` object (Namespace). `mapping`: A dictionary like this one: `{'section.key': 'dest'}`. `dest` are the propertiy name of the `args` object. or only the `argparse` object (Namespace). :param dict dictonary: A two dimensional nested dictionary `{'section': {'key': 'value'}}` :param str environ: The prefix of the environment variables. :param str ini: The path of the INI file. """ readers = [] for keyword, value in kwargs.items(): if keyword == 'argparse': if isinstance(value, tuple) or isinstance(value, list): readers.append(ArgparseReader(args=value[0], mapping=value[1])) elif value.__class__.__name__ == 'Namespace': readers.append(ArgparseReader(args=value)) elif keyword == 'dictionary': readers.append(DictionaryReader(dictionary=value)) elif keyword == 'environ': readers.append(EnvironReader(prefix=value)) elif keyword == 'ini': readers.append(IniReader(path=value)) elif keyword == 'spec': readers.append(SpecReader(spec=value)) return readers
[docs]class ConfigReader(object): """Available readers: `argparse`, `dictionary`, `environ`, `ini`. The arguments of this class have to be specified as keyword arguments. Each keyword stands for a configuration reader class. The order of the keywords is important. The first keyword, more specifically the first reader class, overwrites the next ones. :param spec: A dictionary like this example: .. code:: python spec = { 'section_1': { 'key_1': { 'description': 'Lorem ipsum', 'default': 123, 'not_empty': True, } } } :param tuple argparse: A tuple `(args, mapping)`. `args`: The parsed `argparse` object (Namespace). `mapping`: A dictionary like this one: `{'section.key': 'dest'}`. `dest` are the propertiy name of the `args` object. or only the `argparse` object (Namespace). :param dict dictonary: A two dimensional nested dictionary `{'section': {'key': 'value'}}` :param str environ: The prefix of the environment variables. :param str ini: The path of the INI file. """ def __init__(self, spec: dict = {}, **kwargs): if spec: readers = load_readers_by_keyword(**kwargs, spec=spec) else: readers = load_readers_by_keyword(**kwargs) self.spec = spec """The specification dictionary. For more informations look at the class arguments of this class.""" self.reader = ReaderSelector(*readers) """:py:class:`ReaderSelector`"""
[docs] def get_class_interface(self) -> ClassInterface: return ClassInterface(self.reader)
[docs] def get_dictionary_interface(self) -> DictionaryInterface: return DictionaryInterface(self.reader)
[docs] def check_section(self, section, not_empty=False) -> True: """Check all keys of a section. :raises ValueError: If the value is not configured and can not be read by the readers. :raises ValueError: If `not_empty` is true and value is empty. :raises KeyError: By an unspecify section """ for key, value_spec in self.spec[section].items(): value = self.reader.get(section, key) if 'not_empty' in value_spec and \ value_spec['not_empty'] and not value: raise ValueError('Spec check: section ”{}” key “{}” is empty.' .format(section, key)) return True
[docs] def spec_to_argparse(self, parser): for section, _ in self.spec.items(): group = parser.add_argument_group( title=section, description='Generated by the config_reader.' ) for key, value in self.spec[section].items(): argument = '--{}-{}'.format(section, key).replace('_', '-') kwargs = {} if 'description' in value: kwargs['help'] = value['description'] if 'default' in value: kwargs['default'] = value['default'] group.add_argument(argument, **kwargs)